

What can our contexts do?

Data protection icon

Data protection context

Of course, this includes everything you would expect:

  • General data protection organization

  • Overview of processing activities (processes)

  • Module for contractual agreements

  • Documentation of technical and organizational measures (TOMs)

  • Area for the DPO's annual data protection report

But foxondo can do even more.

You will find forms & checklists for many important topics

  • Recording and assessing data breaches

  • Carrying out data protection impact assessments (DPIA)

  • Creation of a deletion concept

  • Creation and review of IT usage guidelines

  • Review of data protection contracts

  • Audit of video surveillance

  • Checklist for the use of Microsoft365

ISMS Context

With the ISMS content, you can prepare for your initial ISO 27001 or your re-certification mostly on your own. Included are modules on:

  • Conformity to standards

  • Information Security Management

  • Annex A incl. implementation instructions

  • Statement of Applicability (SOA)

  • optional: contents according to ISO 27019 for energy suppliers (context "ISMS+")

Our clients say that with foxondo, you can easily save 30% on external consulting costs during initial certification.

QM icon

QM Context

With the QM modules you can easily prepare for your initial ISO 9001 or your re-certification process. Included are modules on:

  • Conformity to standards

  • Quality management

  • Documentation of important QM topics directly in the processes (such as opportunities & risks or questions about interested parties)

All content and updates can be tracked via the history of the modules. Your QM auditor will love it.

VDA ISA Context

If you are a supplier to the automotive industry, you must be certified according to the TISAX standard. You can easily prepare for this with foxondo (keyword: Self Assessment).

  • Information security

  • Prototype protection

  • Data protection organization & TOMs

  • Certification history

Whether you are a small or large supplier: Just jump from question to question. Then you can't forget anything.

VDA ISA icon